e mërkurë, 20 qershor 2007

Biomin - Immune System Booster

BIOMIN, a product from Queensland, Australia is a pure and concentrated source of essential minerals and trace elements, derived by natural processes from the ocean. All the minerals and trace elements in BIOMIN are in a water soluble form, and is therefore more easily absorbed by the body. Taken daily, they can provide minerals and trace elements sometimes lacking in our diet

Balance, complete and in proper ratio
liquid ionic minerals with reduced Sodium Chloride.
100ml Bottle

Price : RM 78.00 / USD 24.00

To Purchase, Call Tel : +603 - 5126 4203
or Email : healthyminerals@gmail.com
Price quoted excluding delivery and shipping Charge
( Please add RM 10.00 per botle for delivery within West Malaysia. For other location, please enquire )

Distributors / Dealers Wanted !!!!
Please contact us.

海洋礦物質 : 最天然的超級營養品


在大自然的眾多天然營養元素中,絕對沒有像「礦物質」和「微量元素」所帶給人類的影響力。當每一個小嬰兒準備誕生之前,都是必須待在母親的子宮裡,長達九個月左右,然後在羊水之中,安穩的吸收豐富的蛋白質、葡萄糖、脂肪和有機物,這樣才能奠定寶寶出生後的健康基礎,其中,海水就像羊水那樣,蘊藏了 許多生命所需要的重要元素!



礦物質 ---- 就像是一支球隊一樣,必須互相合作

在各種有效率的生化機制運轉下,我們的身體是必須仰賴各種不同的礦物質、蛋白質、葡萄糖、維生素,還有微量元素共同作用,才能平均體內所需的養分,而讓我們健康的活下去。如果沒有礦物質的互動,那麼脂肪、蛋白質與維生素將無法進行代謝,更不可能為人體內所利用。而礦物質在多種酵素反應中,也扮演著重要的角色,舉例來說,就像是大家所熟知的,「鈣」有益於人體骨骼的生長與修復,不過,即使在這個資訊超載的時代,可能有些人還是只知道鈣質的好處,卻不知道,想要擁有好的骨骼,鈣質必須和鎂、磷以及其他一些必要的微量元素 一起運作,才會達到其照顧與保護骨格的效果。

















「海洋礦物質(Sea Minerals)」已經慢慢在世界開始流行起來了。在澳洲、美國,還有一些亞洲國家,例如台灣與新加坡,都已經有實驗報告顯示,礦物質對於動植物的具體幫助,這也再次證明,使用過海洋礦物質的農產品,確實長的更美、更好、更營養。

讓您的植物長更好的見證 (GROPAL)













在人類正常的排泄過程裡,除了工作或運動時的流汗,大小便也是消耗人體體內原有礦物質的一大途徑。而現代人都習慣飲用寶特瓶奘的水,但是那些水通常是經過淨化的,感覺是好像是對於人體比較好,但是事實上卻不是這樣,這些謬思往往和廣告有很大的關連,基本上,其實連自來水或是消過毒的水,都比瓶裝水來的好!西方國家也已證實,水龍頭的水是無害的 所以對於人體的需要,就讓您自己做選擇。

澳洲的夏天是很出名的熱,有親身經歷的人都會知道,在這麼熱的工作環境下, 一整天下,往往來流失好幾公升的汗,這可事會造成頭痛的現象的,因為會看不清楚,嚴重點還會導致偏頭痛。其中的原因,就在於體內的礦物質會隨著大量汗水流失。該要怎樣補給呢?現在「海洋礦物質」推出一種可攜帶式的小瓶裝 PURE AUSSIE,在一公升的水中,滴入大約10-20滴,就可自然迅速補充因為流汗而流失的礦物質。


有些有趣的相關報告指出,在台灣,有些地方的水質屬於「硬水區」 (水裡有天然的礦物質的地區),而生活在硬水區的居民,生病的機率比一般地方,如「軟水區」 (水裡面沒有礦物質的地區),來的要低很多,尤其是得到心臟病和腸癌的獲病率來的小很多。





最危險的殺手就是飲用完全沒有處理過的水,因為水中的細菌是未知的,而現今的科技已經可以完全把細菌和不好的東西去除,但是,同時也去除了水裡的礦物質和微量元素。這也算是一種需要付費的衛生安全交易,這就是為何瓶裝水要付費的原因,因為如此,我們才可以安全的喝水,可是同時,喝進去的水也已經什麼都沒有了,甚至這些水進入體內之後,還會稀釋我們體內的養分以及礦物質。以上例子在先進國家中是非常常見的 。











Biomin Brochure

English Version - Click on the picture to have larger view !!!
Chinese Version - CLick on picture to have larger view !!!

Bahasa Malaysia Version - Click on picture to have larger view !!!

What are Liquid Minerals?

Liquid Minerals is derived from the ocean, whereby 98% of the sodium is removed. As the ocean's minerals and our Blood Plasma are almost chemically identical, Liquid Minerals are the finest and the best source for nutritional minerals and trace elements in nature. It is ALL NATURAL & ORGANIC !!!

You may be surprised to know that ocean water is a rich and balanced source of all minerals and trace elements in concentrations that are not only beneficial to man, but every living creature and life form on earth.

Why should I use Liquid Minerals?

Did you know that a foetus starts its life in its mother’s womb comfortably suspended in a warm solution much like ocean water? Is it a coincidence that sea minerals and our very own “blood plasma” are almost chemically identical?

Liquid Minerals is the ultimate and highest source of natural minerals and trace elements and IN THE RIGHT RATIO to replenish what we use.

Who should take ocean minerals ?


Mineral and other micro nutrient deficiencies are now recognized as having a brain draining effect, impeding not only the growth and wellbeing of hundreds of millions of children and adults, they also disrupt a person’s academic and production potential, confining whole nations to poverty for generations.

A mineral deficiency in children will lead to underachievement in school. It will have a detrimental effect on the child’s, and adult’s natural immune -defences. Adequate levels of minerals and other micro nutrients will do the complete opposite, freeing up the child to excel in study, work and play and freeing you up to enjoy life to the fullest.

The Definition of Minerals

These are naturally-occurring inorganic elements that have a characteristic crystalline structure, chemical composition and physical properties. Close examination of the basic building blocks of life reveals that they are formed out of elemental substances we have called minerals.

Mineral species are generally limited to solid substances, with the exception of metallic mercury and water. All the rocks forming the earth's crust consists of minerals, and encased in the mineral ratios of whole sea water is life information itself. When the earth was created, a perfectly-balanced cocktail of these minerals became the catalyst for the mysterious event that we know as the evolution of life.

Minerals in the sea

Water is an extraordinary solvent (refer: The geochemistry of sea water) and is capable (over time) of literally dissolving, via chemical and physical processes, most of the elements found in nature. When a mineral is dissolved by water its balanced molecular structure is broken down into ionic form, either positively or negatively charged. The excess or lack of electrons in the resulting free-flowing ions accounts for their dynamic capacity to attract or repel each other. This creates a myriad of molecular structures with the capacity to communicate through the transmission of electrical signals.

Ionic minerals

These are unbound mineral elements of either positive or negative charge. Highly active, and sometimes known as a 'radical', they have a capacity (called 'valency') to form bonds with other ions or repel other ions. Some of the most essential minerals show a dependency on this ionic form for absorption in the intestinal lumen and/or for physiological validation. Through digestive processes (some of which are dependent upon sufficient stomach acids) the body is able to break down other forms of organically- or inorganically-bound minerals to their ionic form, and thereby increase their rate of absorption.


Electrolytes are substances whose molecular structure split into free, individual ions when dissolved, thereby allowing them to conduct electrical energy. Salt is an electrolyte. Dried sea water does not reconstitute the elemental minerals that have been dissolved but rather the free-flowing ions form weak molecular bonds (such as sodium chloride, NaCl) and precipitate out as solid crystals that are easily dissolved back into their separate ionic forms in solution. To reconstitute dissociated ionic minerals into pure elemental forms such as gold or iron, a significant amount of energy is required.

Colloidal minerals

Colloidal minerals are tiny non-dissolved mineral particles suspended in water. Most colloidal minerals are held in suspension by their tiny size and/or a static electrical charge. Colloidal minerals must be digested by stomach acids in order to dissolve the minerals into ionic form ready for absorption.


Chelate is a form of mineral ion which is bound into, or part of, a carbon based or 'organic' molecule. In order for a chelated mineral to be bioavailable the organic molecule must first be digested and broken down into its constituent elements, allowing the release of readily-absorbed mineral ions. It is claimed that organic mineral chelates are more easily separated out into ionic form by digestion than colloidal minerals.


Macrominerals are minerals that the body requires in doses of more than 100 milligrams per day for proper maintenance of health. Calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus are macrominerals.

Trace minerals

Trace (or micro) minerals are minerals that the body requires in doses of less than 100 milligrams per day. Zinc, iodine, iron, manganese and copper are trace minerals.

Biomin - Balanced Minerals in the right ratio

Concentrated liquid minerals such as BioMin is a rich source of soluble minerals. It contains 84 ionic minerals along a long chain molecule in a dynamic fluid relationship, the minerals can act in concert or individually.

The soluble minerals in sea water:

  • act as ionised conductors of the body's electrical current, which is necessary for all bodily functions.
  • act as catalysts and activators of other nutrients including vitamins.
  • are the building blocks of enzymes, hormones and other natural body chemicals used by the body to perform specific functions.
  • have an equalising and balancing effect. Body fluids, fluid pressures, and pH levels are balanced by minerals. In the absence of certain trace minerals, various heavy metals are more likely to accumulate. Trace minerals are often administered in the medical treatment of such disorders as lead poisoning.
  • are essential in digestion and absorption of nutrients by our body. Large amounts of chlorides are necessary for the body to make hydrochloric acid (for digestion). Other minerals are used in the absorption process.
  • replace the minerals that are lost in distilled water. Research shows that animals, as well as humans, benefit from mineral nutrients. Dramatic improvements in vigour, coat, and performance are reported in dogs, cats, chickens and horses.
  • are one of the highest quality and least expensive sources of magnesium. Magnesium is an important nutrient that hardens and strengthens bones and teeth.
  • have an effect on mental stability, thought process and reactions to stressful situations.
  • help to prevent viral infection through neutralising the acid attack mechanism of infection.

Specific mineral nutrients have a myriad of individual functions, many of which are yet to be discovered. What is known, however, is that imbalanced interactions of minerals, caused by consistent consumption of single processed or refined minerals, causes many long-term health problems such as hypertension. This is particularly evident when it comes to the most commonly refined mineral that many people take into their diet on a daily basis - sodium chloride.

Whenever the consumption of a single nutrient is significantly altered, an entirely new dietary pattern is created. Nutrients occur in clusters in the diet and may therefore act synergistically to alter physiological variables such as blood pressure.

When minerals are consumed in proper ratios, however, they can have an equally profound benefit on human health. Certain minerals and trace minerals, in balance, can serve additional non-classical roles like acting as antioxidants. Minerals and trace minerals can also assist each other in the process of assimilation, and create safety buffers for minerals that have the potential of being toxic to human health.

Within the blood stream, lymphatic fluid, cells and extracellular fluid, minerals and trace minerals are found completely dissociated in solution. This is also known as 'electrolyte' or 'ionic' form. In this state, they all have specific positive or negative electrical signatures that attract or repel. These ions exist in a state of perpetual dynamics; a motion that seeks as its outcome an equilibrium of relationships.

The body can use minor changes in this equilibrium to create proper osmotic pressure, move nutrients to areas that need them most and create electrical impulses that run the entire nervous system. This same equilibrium can also be found in the waters of the ocean where minerals and trace minerals collected and concentrated in liquid ionic form for millions of years, existing in varying ratios throughout the oceans of the world across space, place and time. On a macrocosmic/microcosmic scale, it is astounding to realise that the dynamic equilibrium that takes place with liquid ionic minerals and trace minerals in healthy blood plasma, lymphatic and cellular fluids is the same basic balance that is found in sea water.

By understanding the mechanism of dynamic equilibrium we can understand the problems associated with an excess consumption of sodium in the diet unbalanced by an intake of other complex mineral salts. Sodium exists in the body in strict ratios with a myriad of other mineral ions. An increase in sodium levels means the body must balance it with the other associated minerals to maintain equilibrium. If the intake of minerals in the diet is depleted the body will draw minerals from its own internal reserves, for example, calcium laid down in bone tissue. Minerals leached from the body's internal reserves can be easily lost, flushed out with sweat and urine. This is why sodium is often referred to as the 'calcium robber'.

The Ocean

Geography & Processes

70 per cent of the earth's surface is covered by the oceans. These vast reservoirs, together with inland waters, ice, snow and water vapour, form what is known as the hydrosphere. The ocean covers a total area of 361,253,200 square kilometres and has an average depth of between three and five kilometres. The Marinas Trench in the Pacific, where a sounding of 11,040 metres has been made, is believed to be the deepest part of the ocean.

Ninety-three per cent of the earth's water is stored in the oceans and polar sea ice, while most of the remainder is stored as underground water (four per cent). All the rivers, lakes, snow caps, glaciers and clouds together contain less water than is stored underground. Only a tiny proportion of the earth's fluid mass is contained in living organisms but all these forms of life have a high proportion of water in their bodies.

The life cycle of the ocean, as that of the earth, is the closest one can ever get to the greatest of all inventions, perpetuum mobile, the perpetual motion machine. And the secret is that nothing was composed by nature that could not be recomposed by nature that could not be recomposed, recycled and brought back into service again in another useful wheel in a smooth running global machine.
Robbie Newman, op. cit.

The ocean is constantly moving and so is the air. The two are inextricably linked. The ocean's surface circulation is driven by wind and by density differences. The atmospheric heat engine, powered by the sun, is also driven by the sea.

The polar nature of the water molecule causes it to form polymer-like chains of up to eight molecules. A certain amount of energy goes into linking the molecules in these chains. This explains the ocean's ability to absorb and retain heat energy that then may be transported by ocean currents. The molecular chains of up to eight molecules occur for about 90 per cent of all of the molecules. As a consequence, water has the highest heat capacity of all liquids except ammonia. Again this is due to the energy that goes into the chain formation. This high heat capacity is the primary reason that the ocean is so important in the world climate system. Unlike the land, the ocean stores large amounts of the heat energy that it receives from the sun. This heat is carried by ocean currents, thereby exporting or importing heat to various regions. This aspect of the ocean plays an important role in the interaction between the sea and atmosphere and the determination of global climate.
Pickard and Emery, The Physical Properties of Seawater (Ch. 3), University of California

The sea in motion represents the essence of life. Alternately focused and dispersed, swelling and receding, the tremendous energy of the atmosphere and the ocean combine to form some of the most spectacular of nature's physical interplays.

Another important effect of the chainlike molecular structure is the high surface tension of water. This is due to its high viscosity for its atomic weight due to the chains resisting shear. In the ocean, one effect of this can be seen in the formation of surface capillary waves with wavelengths on the order of centimetres and whose restoring force includes surface tension as well as gravity. Such capillary waves, despite their small size, are important in determining the friction between wind and water which is responsible for the generation of larger waves and for the frictionally-driven circulation of the surface layer of the ocean.
Pickard and Emery, op. cit.

Minerals Nutrition

No Minerals, No Health

When the intake of minerals in our system becomes unbalanced or depleted, it draws from stores laid down in the muscles, the liver and even the bones.

Mineral nutrients consist of two classes: the major elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, and potassium; and trace elements such as copper, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, and zinc. All of these must be supplied in our diet because the body is unable to manufacture its own and can only maintain its mineral balance for short periods of time.

Our ancestors long ago recognised the value of minerals in their diet, particularly those derived from the sea (as opposed to mine salt from the earth), although they had none of the sophisticated knowledge about natural biology or physiology that we have today. Instinct alone was their guide.

Minerals provide the spark for many of the body's cellular processes and keep them running efficiently. Without these finely-tuned chemical reactions no organism could function. Inorganic mineral nutrients are also essential in the structural composition of hard and soft body tissues, and are necessary in processes such as the action of enzyme systems, the contraction of muscles, nerve reactions and the clotting of blood. Humans need a wide range of minerals to maintain good health and we need them in the right amounts and relations to each other (coaction). A variation of as little as one per cent in established limits will cause noticeable pathological states to occur.

Whenever a dietary deficiency of trace elements occurs, the cell loses its ability to control its ions - with dire consequences for humans. Even a minute loss of ion equilibrium causes cells to burst, nervous disorders, brain damage, or muscle spasms, as well as a breakdown of the cell regenerating process and growth.
Seasalt's Hidden Powers, Jacques de Langre, Ph.D, Happiness Press 1994

The biological demands of the human body require mineral salt concentrations in the blood and the body fluids to be maintained at a constant level. Too little salt, or consumption of only refined salt, activates a hormonal mechanism that compensates by reducing the excretion of salt in the urine and from sweat glands. On a completely salt-less diet, small amounts of salt are lost via the kidneys and perspiration. The body then attempts to adjust to this situation by accelerating its secretion of water so that the blood's salt concentration is maintained at the level vital for survival. If this process continues the result is gradual desiccation, dehydration and finally death, which is often preceded by a loss of rational thinking (dementia). The cells literally die of thirst.

Conversely, a lack of water consumption will activate the body to retain water in order to maintain the salt concentration in the blood. In this case the hormonal control mechanism works in reverse. It attempts to reduce the secretion of water and increase the salt secretion to maintain the correct salt level. The body's normal craving for salt and for water strives toward the same vital need: a balanced and healthy internal saline fluid.

Every second of every day our bodies rely on ionic minerals and trace minerals to conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses. Without these impulses not a single muscle, including the heart muscle, would be able to function. The brain would be unable to function and the cells would be unable to use osmosis to balance water pressure and absorb nutrients. In fact, many vital body processes depend on the movement of ions across cell membranes.

Recent research has indicated that minerals may play a significant role against a variety of degenerative diseases and processes. They may also prevent and reduce injury from environmental pollutants, enhance the ability to work and learn, and protect the body from the effects of minerals that may become toxic at high concentrations.
Mineral Absorption

The form that different minerals take also plays a key role in how well they are transported through the circulatory system and absorbed by the aqueous microenvironment of the cells. Inter-relationships of minerals and trace minerals in their non-soluble form are not nearly as effective as those of soluble minerals.

No matter what the nutritional potential of a food it might as well be non-existent if it doesn't pass the test of absorption. Minerals that the body is unable to break down to their ionic form are likely to pass from the body as though they were never consumed.

Minerals that are absorbed in ionic form are in true liquid solution and have either positive or negative charges. They also have unique properties that distinguish them from each other and allow them to play a special role in biochemical communication throughout the body. These communications help nutrients work synergistically and enable them to move to areas of the body that need them most. Imbalances of any of these ions or certain trace ions in the body can lead to dysfunction in the conduction of electrical messages.

Much recent research indicates that the physiological reactions of our bodies are blocked and cannot utilise trace elements properly (mainly due to poor diet, pollution, stress and so on). This malfunction can lead to anything from simple deficiencies to the establishment of chronic illness.

The Sea Water

The Geochemistry of Sea Water

The complex mixture of minerals and liquid that make up sea water consists of 96.5 per cent water, 3.4 per cent salts, and smaller amounts of other substances including dissolved inorganic and organic materials, particulates, and a few atmospheric gases. It is the salt that gives sea water its taste. Salt is a chemical compound of elemental atoms that act as molecules and ions when in solution. Eighty-four of the earth's basic elements have been identified in sea water as either macro or trace mineral ions.

Ocean water is naturally alkaline and its bicarbonate buffering results in a normal pH of 8.0-8.3. Metal bicarbonates such as magnesium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate will only form in the natural aqueous, alkaline state of the ocean. These mineral combinations do not occur in solid or dry form.

Water is compatible with more substances than any known solvent and the minerals in sea water are fully dissolved, which means they exist in a free-flowing, non-bound, ionic form; they are not tiny suspended metallic particles in water. Water molecules align in such a way as to shield each ion in sea water and thereby maintain dissolution. This property helps to explain the abundance of ions in the ocean that give it its salty character. Sea water cannot be artificially created in the laboratory.

The complex spectrum of macro and trace minerals found in sea water is the result of the interaction of natural forces over millions of years; a process not yet fully understood by scientists. The trace elements of sea water should not be underestimated. For example, there is more gold in a ton of sea water than in a ton of good to average gold ore.

The chemical composition of sea water is influenced by a wide variety of chemical transport mechanisms. Rivers add dissolved and particulate chemicals to the oceanic margins, and windborne particulates are carried to mid-ocean regions thousands of kilometres from their continental source. Hydrothermal solutions that have circulated through crustal materials beneath the sea floor add both dissolved and particulate materials to the deep ocean. Organisms in the upper ocean convert dissolved materials to solids, which eventually settle at greater depths. Particulates in transit to the sea floor, as well as materials both on and within the sea floor, undergo chemical exchange with the surrounding solutions. Through these local and regional chemical input and removal mechanisms, each element in the oceans tends to exhibit spatial and temporal concentration variations. Physical mixing in the oceans (thermohaline and wind-driven circulation) tends to homogenise the chemical composition of sea water. The opposing influences of physical mixing and of biogeochemical input and removal mechanisms result in a substantial variety of chemical distributions in the oceans.
Encyclopedia Brittanica

In the following table the 84 readily identifiable elements in sea water are listed:

click here to download Seawater Analysis Table

A significant feature of sea water is that while the total concentration of dissolved salts varies from place to place, the ratios of the more abundant components remain almost constant. This 'law' of constant proportions was discovered by Dittmar (1884) based on 77 samples of sea water collected from around the world by the Challenger Expedition, and confirmed a hypothesis first conceived by Forchhammer (1865).

Salinity has been defined as the mass in grams of solid material in a kilogram of sea water after evaporating the water away. For example, the average salinity of ocean water is about 35 grams of salts per kilogram of sea water (g/kg), previously written as 'S = 358/oo' or as 'S = 35ppt' and read as 'thirty-five parts per thousand'.
Pickard and Emery, op. cit. (Revised ed.)

Many of the characteristics of sea water correspond to those of water in general, owing to their common chemical and physical properties. For example, the molecular structure of sea water, like that of fresh water, favours the formation of bonds among molecules.

However, some of the distinctive qualities of sea water are attributable to its salt content. The internal resistance to flow is higher than that of fresh water because of its higher salinity. The density of sea water also is higher for the same reason. Sea water's freezing point is lower than that of pure water and its boiling point is higher. It has excellent electrical conductivity in comparison to distilled water, which is a poor conductor. Apart from its stores of sodium chloride, sea water also constitutes a rich source of other commercially-important chemical elements such as magnesium and bromine.

Sea & Life

Creation, Evolution, Life and the Sea

The story of the oceans and their importance in the evolution of life on earth begins eons ago on a primeval planet.

For millions of years the water that was squeezed out of the cooling crust evaporated and rained down upon the newly-formed rock. Ever seeking the lowest level it carved out paths to create riverbeds, collected in pools and slowly filled the large basins that formed as the molten rock cooled.

From the lush chemical cocktail that bubbled in the embryonic oceans came the stirrings of all life.... Fish, amphibian and reptile, warm-blooded bird and mammal - each of us carries in our veins a salty stream in which the elements are combined in almost the same proportions as in sea water. This is our inheritance from the day, untold millions of years ago, when a remote ancestor having progressed from the one-celled to the many-celled stage, first developed a circulatory system in which the fluid was merely the water of the sea. In the same way, our lime-hardened skeletons are a heritage from the calcium-rich ocean of the Cambrian time. Even the protoplasm that streams within each cell of our bodies has the chemical structure impressed upon living matter when the first simple creatures were brought forth in the ancient sea ...
Racheal Carson - Environmentalist

Millions of years later the oceans continue to act as a source and reservoir of the very components of life. This vast, seemingly inexhaustible storehouse still supports a greater variety of life than any other habitat in the world.

The biochemically balanced matrix of 84 macro and trace elements in sea water still exist in the body's plasma and cellular fluid, just as the life of every mammal still begins in the aquatic environment of a female's womb.

The biodynamic quality of sea water is demonstrated by its resistance to duplication in the lab. Sea life, from simple brine shrimps through to complex cetacean marine mammals, will not survive in a solution of refined or mine salt. No sea creature can.

Salt & Sodium Chloride

All salt originally came from the sea.

Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is the product commonly referred to as 'salt'. However, sea salt is a far more complex salt than NaCl. Common salt should be marketed as 'sodium chloride, extracted from sea salt'.

The chemical industry is the largest consumer of salt using about 60% of total production. The industry predominantly converts the salt into chlorine, caustic and soda ash, without which petroleum refining, petrochemistry, organic synthesis, glass production and so on would not be possible.

The second largest user of salt is humankind. Humans need about 30% of total salt production to support their physiological functions and eating habits. Salt for food is the most 'taken for granted' commodity; available from thousands of sources in hundreds of qualities as table, cooking and industrial salt for food production.

About 10% of salt production is used for road de-icing, water treatment, production of cooling brines and other smaller applications.

Whatever the use of salt, industrialised salt production worldwide is focused on the recovery of pure sodium chloride only, clear of all 'impurities'. The purer the salt, the more valuable it is. In the chemical industry any contamination of the sodium chloride feedstock may have serious, even lethal consequences.

The 'impurities' in natural salt that the chemical industry refer to are any mineral or organic elements other than the single chemical, sodium chloride. Sea water contains an extraordinary number of other mineral elements in a complex and dynamic natural equilibrium . It is exactly these other constituents that 'BioMin' - liquid minerals has.

The crystal salt used in the processed food industry, whether stored in silos or used in a shaker, must retain free-flowing properties. Magnesium on the surface of the crystals absorbs humidity from the air and makes the salt damp. Silos cannot be emptied and shaker holes get blocked. The salt loses market and value. To overcome these hurdles, the industry adds free-flowing agents 341 and 554, and anti-caking agents 535 and 536, along with processed inorganic iodine in the form of potassium iodide.

Usage of Biomin

Minerals is Health

bioMin is a rich source of concentrated minerals and trace elements derived naturally from Australian Ocean Water.

Direction For Use

Adults : 2.5ml to 5ml / 1/2 to 1 teaspoon daily, best taken at evening meal time in juice or water.

Children : 5 drops daily diluted in fruit juice or water.

Due to the concentrated nature of the Minerals, do not take them undiluted.

Benefits of Biomin

A healthier seasoning

Unlike dry, refined forms of salt, BioMin retains the complex mineral ratios found in the ocean. BioMin's liquid form allows these minerals to work synergistically and in infinite combinations.

A healthier drink

Replenishment of lost fluid (rehydration) and mineral electrolytes is vitally important, particularly post-exercise. It is now a recognised fact of sports science that replacement of sodium lost in sweat is important in maximising the retention of ingested fluids. Ingestion of plain water delays rehydration because it decreases water absorption ability, reduces thirst and increases free-water clearance. The consumption of sodium that is naturally balanced within the complex mineral structure of BioMin allows the body to maintain or restore its dynamic equilibrium without straining internal reserves.

Mineral health

Many minerals are difficult for the body to absorb and not readily available in the best form in our diets. The body maintains a delicate balance of complex minerals in its internal fluids and imbalanced interactions between minerals can cause strain, depletion and malfunction of cells, often with dire consequences for human health. BioMIn's concentrated ionic form means minerals can move rapidly throughout the body where they act in a myriad of ways: building tissue, preventing disease, neutralising acid build-up, and enabling the body's electrical communications through muscles, nerves and the brain.


bioMin have been tested and approved by F.A.L.A. of Australia in it's original export label/s. These statements on this web site have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The products depicted on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease.

We make no claims or promises as to health benefits of its dietary/health supplements. All research information is provided as a courtesy to our customers. Consequences of dietary, topical or other use of any product is the sole responsibility of the customer. If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Other reports & Articles

(1) Click here to download the FALA report
(2) Click here to download "Health from Ocean" article
(3) Click here to download "Sea Energy" article
(4) Click here to download "Trace Elements in Nature's Balance" article

e martë, 19 qershor 2007

Research by Dr. Maynard Murray

The late Dr. Maynard Murray, an American pioneer in biology, health and agriculture discovered that seawater contains the minerals that are beneficial for human health.

Fact One:
From autopsies conducted on whales and dolphins, he discovered that sea mammals do not develop degenerative diseases.

Fact Two:
No trace of cancer was found among ocean mammals.

Fact Three:
No evidence of arteriosclerosis was found amongst sea mammals.

Fact Four:
Aging hardly occurs in the sea. Comparison of adult and newborn cells amongst sea mammals showed no evidence of chemical changes found in land animals.

After extensive research, Dr. Murray discovered that minerals in the sea were responsible for prolonging health amongst ocean mammals.

The greatest rediscovery of the 21st century

a healing solution from the earth’s oceans
is now in your hands.

For over 100 years and unknown to most of us, medical science has found a solution from the sea that not only assists in keeping away degenerative diseases but also improves the strength of our immune system and keeps us youthful.

This information is remarkable as strengthening the immune system is absolutely critical at this time when many stories in the mass media report on the prevalence of illnesses like bird flu and other strange viruses.

Don’t you agree that preventive measures on improving the immune system make us less susceptible to these kinds of illnesses and are a common sense approach to empowering ourselves?

The followings are some notable oral use of treated Ocean Water during the past 100 years :

1906. Treated Seawater was used with great success by D. Robert Simon in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

1905-1914. Biologist René Quinton conducted research to prove that diluted seawater (isotonic) is identical to the internal body environment.

1924. Dr. Olivier Macé was successful in using isotonic seawater injections with difficult pregnancies and pre-natal applications.

1953. Dr. R. Basser in Germany reported that 70% of cases suffering from psoriasis showed improvement when treated with marine plasma.

1957. Dr. H. Hansche observed that improvements took place with many patients suffering from asthma and eczema.

1978. In Senegal, Doctors H. Lauture and G. Mbakob treated children suffering from dehydration caused by diarrheas, vomiting and malnutrition using Marine Plasma.

1997. Dr. F. Paya reported excellent success with oral use of treated seawater in treating fatigue and maintaining the physical performance of athletes.

2000 Dr. J. C. Rodet in Canada, used treated seawater primarily as a FOOD nutritional supplement in conjunction with colonic therapy.